Make a cash donation to the Cumberland Valley Rails-to-Trail or the Cumberland Valley Railroad Museum. Donating stocks or mutual funds to CVRTC is a smart and simple way to help the trail. We are always looking for donations of working equipment and tools to help us mow and maintain the trail. Donate a railroad artifact to the Cumberland Valley Railroad Museum.
If you prefer to mail in your donation make check payable to CVRTC and mail to:
P.O. Box 531
Shippensburg, PA 17257
Give to the Endowment Fund
CVRTC has established an endowment fund to help guarantee the long term future of the trail.
Consider listing the Cumberland Valley Rail to Trails Endowment Fund in your
- Will
- Estate Plans
- Annual Giving
- Retirement Fund Required Minimum Distribution

If you prefer to mail in your donation make check payable to CVRTT Endowment Fund and mail to:
CVRTT Endowment Fund
P.O. Box 531
Shippensburg, PA 17257