The Cumberland Valley Rail Trail Council, Inc. (CVRTC) accepts donations to purchase and install commemorative benches along the Rail Trail. A standard bench design made from recycled plastic lumber and installed using concrete to anchor it in place will be used. This design will be as close as possible to the benches in the Shippensburg Station area. The wooden benches along the trail will be gradually replaced by the new design.
If you so desire, a plaque will be inlaid in the upper back slat of the bench to symbolize, recognize, or commemorate individuals, events, or organizations. The plaque is included with your donation.

New locations for benches must be approved by CVRTC. Benches can replace one of the existing wooden benches. along the trail if you choose. If you do not have a particular location in mind, CVRTC will replace one of the existing wooden benches. There are a limited number of benches available, and donations will be processed on a first-come first-serve basis.
The bench will be maintained for a minimum of ten years. After ten years, if the bench is in poor condition, unsightly (CVRTC reserves the right for aesthetic judgments), or not deemed appropriate by CVRTC the bench will be removed and will not be replaced. The location may be offered again under the commemorative bench program.
Please refrain from adding other memorials around the bench (flags, artificial flowers, etc) that make it more difficult for our volunteers to maintain.
Donation for placing a bench – $1000
• Bench design will be as pictured above. (Similar design will be used as necessary)
• Bench location will be determined by agreement between the donor and the CVRTC.
• Plaque with a commemorative message will be inlaid in the upper back slat of the bench.
• Wording of the message must be approved by CVRTC.
• Bench condition will be evaluated 10 years following installation. Benches will be removed if no longer serviceable.
• CVRTC Volunteers will install the bench
Contact us if you are interested in making a donation to install a commemorative bench.
Last Revised: July 29, 2021