We are looking for volunteers to adopt a section of trail and perform some light maintenance.  Individual, families or groups are all welcome.

What we ask of our adopt-a-trail volunteers:

  • Hike the trail every week or two.
  • Trim back any vegetation growing over where it is mowed on both the hiking trail and the equestrian trail.
  • Pick up any trash you find along the trail.
  • Notify us of any trees down/damage to the trail that need larger equipment than you have to fix.
  • Notify us of any of groundhog holes that need to be filled.
  • Enjoy your time on the trail.

What you get for volunteering:

  • The satisfaction of providing a wonderful asset to our community.
  • Exercise.
  • Quality time with family and friends who you get to help you.
  • Get “back to nature”
  • Enjoying your time on the trail

If you are interested in adopting a section of the trail, please contact Amy Stahlman at (717) 372-8220 by phone or text or by email at amy@stahlman.us